Chartered Through:

Thanks to Dr. Andreasen for chartering our crew through Andreasen Chiropractic and Wellness Center.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Start of Venturing Crew 2070

Venturing Crew 2070 began April 17, 2010. Eliza Andreasen was elected President. The other officers were established May 1, 2010; Anna Sanders as Vice-President of Program, Cristina Andreasen as Vice-President of Administration, Hayley Sanders as Crew Mentor, Alexandra Andreasen and Vanessa Lunt as Co-Historians, McKenzie Pear as treasurer, and Becky Lee as secretary. We have done one fundraiser so far which consisted of cleaning a house. Our current fundraiser is the sale of Krispy Kreme Doughnut Reward Cards, and our next fundraiser will be on Memorial Day from 7am to 10am and consist of a Memorial Day Breakfast, flag ceremony, and guest speaker.

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